Elective Selection
Elective Selection For 2024-2025
Elective Catalog
6th Grade
Art: Foundations of Art
Sixth graders will review the elements and principles of art they have learned in elementary and apply them to a variety of mediums, including painting, drawing, and sculpture. They will have a mix of project inspired by art history and more self expressive projects.
This is a beginner band class that will introduce students to the instruments of their choice. Students will learn proper technique and tone production, while developing their understanding of basic music notation and terminology. They can choose between trumpet, trombone, flute, and clarinet.
7th Grade
Art: Studio Art 1
Students will explore a variety of media and learn how to handle different materials and approach different subject matters. Students will have more freedom to choose the subject matter of their projects but will be expected to challenge themselves creatively and demonstrate their knowledge of the elements and principles of art. They will also be designing and producing their own midterm and final projects.
This class is open to any student in 7th grade who is interested in learning to play an instrument, or to continue to sharpen skills that they learned in 6th grade band. They will expand upon the fundamentals of playing, and be exposed to more challenging music. The instruments offered are trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet, saxophone, and percussion.
Students will learn to sing middle-school appropriate choral music and will be a part of the band performances.
The choir students will also be trained as cantors to lead at the school mass and will sing every week at the school mass.
Engineering & Design
This course will further integrate project-based learning in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math.
Public Speaking
Speaking in front of a group isn’t easy. Let’s develop and nurture competent, confident public speaking skills with fun public speaking projects and games.
In this class, students will work on the development of basic performance skills, strategies, and acting techniques, while learning about the technical aspects of the stage, including lighting, sound, and set design. Students will take part in two productions – one in the Fall, and one in the Spring.
8th Grade
Art: Studio Art 2
As a continuation of Studio Art 1, students will work with a variety of media, some that they have worked with before and some they have not. Students will have significant freedom to choose the subject matter of their projects but will be expected to demonstrate a mastery of the materials and approaching different subject matters. They will also be designing and producing their own midterm and final projects.
This class is open to any student in 8th grade who is interested in learning to play an instrument, or to continue to sharpen skills that they learned in 7th grade band. They will expand upon the fundamentals of playing, and be exposed to more challenging music. The instruments offered are trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet, saxophone, and percussion.
Students will learn to sing middle-school appropriate choral music and will be a part of the band performances.
The choir students will also be trained as cantors to lead at the school mass and will sing every week at the school mass.
Engineering & Design
This course will further integrate project-based learning in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math.
Set Design Workshop
Students will be working together to design and build set pieces for the Theater elective class performances.
In this class, students will work on the development of basic performance skills, strategies, and acting techniques, while learning about the technical aspects of the stage, including lighting, sound, and set design. Students will take part in two productions – one in the Fall, and one in the Spring.