What grades does the school serve?
We serve grades PreK-4 through 8th grade.
What are the school hours?
The school day for the 2024-2025 school year is:
- 8:00 am – 3:15 pm – PrK & Kinder
- 8:00 am – 3:30 pm – 1st – 8th
- Office Hours: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Is it required to be Catholic to attend Epiphany Catholic School?
No, however please note that we will teach and assess students on Catholic beliefs and practices, but students and families are not required to be Catholic or to become Catholic. Additionally, it is required that all students attend mass on Thursdays and participate in religion class and prayers.
Does the school follow Katy ISD's calendar?
The school follows its own academic calendar but runs similarly to Katy ISD. Click Here to see our current and future school calendars.
How many sections per grade and what is the max class size?
We have the room for two classes per grade. Depending on the grade the class size will range from 20 – 25.
What is the tuition?
Please click here for tuition and fee rates.
Do you offer tours of the school?
Yes. Please click here for more information.
Where and when do we apply for admissions?
The admissions process will be online through our website. Click Here to go to Epiphany Catholic School Admissions Page. All supporting documents may be uploaded through the admissions portal or emailed to: [email protected].
Is a hot lunch available for purchase?
Yes, we have partnered with Road Runner Foods to provide a hot lunch option to our students. Please click here for more information.
Is before & after school care available on campus?
Yes, we host our Extended Day program on campus before and after school. Before School runs from 6:45 am – 7:30 am and After School runs from 3:30 pm – 6 pm every school day. Click here for more information.