Health Services
From the nurse
Welcome to the ECS health services site. My goal is to provide quality care and support to all students/families of our community with minimal loss of academic time in the classroom. The following information is intended to help us maintain a safe and healthy school environment.
Shara Floyd, R.N. B.S.N
ECS Nurse

Policies & Proceedures
- Student Illness
- Medications
- Screening
- Immunizations
For protection of all students, the following guidelines will be enforced at all times. A student will be sent home with:
- Fever of 100° F or higher
- Suspected contagious or communicable disease (e.g. impetigo, strep throat, chicken pox, pink eye, etc.)
- Vomiting / Diarrhea
- General malaise – too ill to remain at school
If a student has any of the above symptoms in the morning before coming to school, he/she should remain at home. If a child remains at home because of a communicable or contagious disease, a parent should call the school to determine when the child may return to school.
FEVER – a student must be fever free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
DIARRHEA or VOMITING – a student must not return to school before 24 hours following the last occurrence.
All medications (prescription or over-the-counter) must have a physician or authorized prescriber and parent signature on file before the medication can be administered at school, otherwise the parent/guardian must come to campus to administer medication. The prescription medication must have a pharmacy label that matches orders. Over the counter (OTC) medications must be provided in new up-opened packaging.
A child may carry medication, such as, an EMERGENCY ASTHMA INHALER or EPIPEN, provided there is a doctor’s order on file and proper procedure is followed. If certain medications need to be in the child’s classroom (or with a coach), a duplicate medication needs to be in the school clinic as a backup. Parents will need to provide both.
Natural and/or homeopathic-like products, not FDA approved, will not be dispensed in the school setting.
Medication Prescription Forms/Heath Care Action Plans
Vision/Hearing/Acanthosis Nigricans (Diabetes type 2) /Scoliosis screening are required by The Texas Department of State Health Services.
Screening must be done for any student who is 4 years old on September 1st, Kindergarten students, any student new to the school within 120 days of admission, and all 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade students. Students who have difficulty in any of these areas will have a notice sent home to their parent/guardian.
Spinal Screening is to detect abnormal spinal curvature in students. All students shall undergo screening for abnormal spinal curvature in accordance with the following schedule:
- Girls will be screened two times, at ages 10 and 12 as of September 1st.
- Boys will be screened at age 13 or 14 years, as of September 1st.
All students in Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Catholic Schools must be in compliance with the immunization requirements of the Texas Department of Health, Immunization Division.
A complete Immunization Record, showing a history of immunizations received must be on file for each child enrolled. All immunizations must be completed and validated by the doctor or health care clinic prior to the first day of school. No child will be enrolled in class without the completion of these requirements. Upon notification of a deficiency by the school, students must provide acceptable evidence of vaccination within 10 school days to remain enrolled.
The only exception to the forgoing requirement is a medical exemption signed by a licensed physician (M. D. or D. O.) authorized to practice in the State of Texas. Catholic schools in Texas do not accept exemptions from immunizations for Reasons of Conscience.