Lower School
English Language Arts & Literature
Language Arts includes English, Grammar, Vocabulary, Handwriting, Writing, Spelling, and Reading.
In First and Second Grades our program utilizes a phonics based all-inclusive program including decoding strategies, sight word recognition, and reading groups. Handwriting, grammar, and writing are a part of this program as well ensuring a well-rounded, yet comprehensive understanding of the English language which encourages growth at each student’s individual level and pace.
In Third and Fourth Grades we implement a Book Club format to dive deeper into novels and understand the components of comprehension. Additionally, Grammar, Vocabulary, Cursive Handwriting, and Writing use supplemental pieces which conjointly fit into our academic program and encourage growth and individuality throughout.
Using a Singapore Math curriculum, students learn math concepts through a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression with real world, problem solving hands-on experiences.
A strong understanding of number sense (how numbers relate to each other) and math facts are key to our program which translates to a deeper understanding of all Math concepts.
For students moving into our Singapore Math program, we reteach the fundamentals of Singapore Math as necessary to fill in any gaps.
Religion classes continue to explore Bible stories and formulate respect, empathy, justice, and peace towards each other and all of God’s creation through recognition of God as the Creator. Additionally, students are introduced to an in depth exploration of the truths of our faith contained in the study of the sacraments, the life of Jesus, learning traditional prayers, and the community of the Church.
The elementary science program is an entirely hands-on exploratory experience. In every grade and unit, we focus on scientific and engineering practices, deep understanding of “crosscutting concepts” (such as: cause & effect, patterns in science, etc.), and the four disciplinary areas within science (life science, physical science, earth & space science, and engineering & technology). Students will be energized as they analyze and apply their learning to inquiry-based discoveries and our in-depth hands-on approach.
Social Studies
Social Studies in the First through Fourth Grades develop young people to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society while keeping in mind Catholic ideals and teachings. Students explore our world through geography, map skills, and history of our state, region, country, and world.
First to fourth grade students attend weekly art class and experiment with a wide variety of materials and processes. Lessons are designed around themes and use the Elements of Art and improve on their use of these basics over the years. Students are regularly introduced to famous artists and use their work as inspiration and to learn basic art styles and create historical and cultural connections.
Students learn how to use the following media:
- Graphite and Colored Pencil
- Markers
- Oil and Chalk Pastels
- Tempera, Watercolor and Acrylic Paints
- Paper and Fiber
- Air-dry Clay, modeling clay or paper-based
The curriculum focuses on:
- Elements of Art
- Principles of Design
- Collaboration
- Historic and cultural connections
- Visual literacy
- Play
- Safe use of tools and materials
The Epiphany Catholic School Library is designed to meet the educational, informational, and recreational needs of all students. The library promotes an appreciation of reading, enabling students to interpret various forms of literature, in addition to strengthening their ability to access information and education resources independently and effectively. Grades PK-5 visit the Library for a lesson and checkout once a week for a 30-minute period.
Students may also, with teacher approval, visit the library throughout the week to borrow books, read, or to conduct research for class assignments. The catalog can be accessed at epiphanycatholicschool.follettdestiny.com.
All students at ECS attend music class weekly, and our music curriculum adheres to national and state standards for music education. All students practice singing, instrument-playing, music reading, listening, evaluation, and composing in relation to their age and skill level.
Our elementary students learn about liturgical and sacred musical tradition and composers and, as they advance through the grade levels, use this learning to more fully participate in our weekly Masses by singing in the choir and leading as readers. Our students in upper elementary learn instruments including the recorder, ukulele, and barred xylophone, and all students have multiple opportunities for performance throughout the year.
Physical Education (P.E.)
The goals of our Lower School PE program include:
- Emphasis on participation of athletic activities for enjoyment & challenge both in and out of school
- Learn fitness-related stress management techniques
- Understand how to use of peer interaction in a positive way to enhance personal self image
- Learn difference between aerobic vs anaerobic exercise
- Identify importance of goal setting to improve skills
- Learn structure and function of the muscular and skeletal systems
- Participate in health workshops on compassion vs. empathy
Students acquire language for basic communication skills through physical movement to react to verbal input (Total Physical Response method), singing songs, reading, storytelling and story asking method.
The Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) Lab is the progressive version of a computer lab. Engineering is showcased in everyday life as the context for student learning. Students take part in programming, coding, designing, and building everything from computers and robotics to designing and creating projects with a 3-D printer. Our hands-on, project-based class inspires, excites, and stimulates students of all ages.